California vacation?

I want to go to Napa Valley and San Francisco for a vacation. We want to split it up, half and half. Anyone know what the best time to go there is? Winter, Sping, or Summer break? I love the cold and I live in Florida so I can handle the heat. I just don’t want to go at the most touristy time. Any ideas?

Will my redwood tree die or be damaged if I put a platform up in it to sit in? Will nails hurt it?

The tree is about 20 years old and about 60ft tall. It has one big trunk about 40in in diameter, but it splits into three, good-sized trunks. I’ve heard that redwoods are sensitive, but how sensitive are they?

How do I use a cell phone while on Vacation in the Philippines without having to bring my US based units?

Currently, I live in Northern California and have a cell phone subscription with Sprint. I will be traveling to the Philippines for 3 weeks in December, and I do not want to add international roaming on my Sprint phone. I am looking for a solution that I can purchase here in the US to take as long much like those "pay as you go" phones, but on an international level. I am looking to keep in touch with my wife and kids while I visit family for the first time abroad, as well as for security reasons. I have been told to buy any SIM style phone (some suggested Ebay, and to make sure I get a charger), and then buy SIM phone cards while in the Philippines.

Any insight or comments would be greatly appreciated!


Is Hilton a good company to work for?

I just applied at the Hilton Garden Inn as a front desk clerk. This will be my first job as a front desk clerk if I’m hired so I’m a little worried. Does anyone know if they train well and if it’s a good company to work for?

Chances of getting into Humboldt of UCSC?

I’ve got a 3.02 GPA, guitar and bass as extra-currics, got a 1970 on my SAT, and I’m planning on doing community service this summer. Given this, what are my chances of getting into Humboldt State Univ. of UC Stanta Cruz?

What are some nice vacation spots in California?

Preferably near Los Angeles, cheap, and good for the family?

Were Northern Calfornia’s ‘golden hills’ covered with trees 300 years ago? If yes, were they Redwoods?

I’ve wondered for a while if most of the grassy hills around the San Francisco Bay area were once covered in Redwoods. It seems likely, since they cover most of the coastal range, but I was wondering if someone knew the answer in more detail.

My wife is going on vacation in Peru with a girlfriend from work…?

without me of course. For two weeks. From May 18-June 1. I understand that her co-worker is going (she’s actually from there) to spend her child’s birthday with her (turning 9 I believe). My birthday also falls within this time frame. I am utterly furious that my spouse seems so adamant about going without any regards to how I feel. I wasn’t invited and this isn’t a trip with her family. I’m actually thinking of telling her that if she goes I won’t be here if & when she comes back. She spends TOO much time with this friend and has recently taken a 4-day trip to northern California with her as well. She claims I don’t like going places but I don’t have a job that allows spontaneous trips and I can’t go during school months (I’m trying get my BA).

I’m tired of her ALWAYS placing her friends and family first & expecting me to be ok with it.

Student Council -What are some good fundraisers that we can do? …..?

What are some good fundraisers that we can do? Or some cheaper items we can sell? See, I go to a not so wealthy school so we cant sell stuff that costs over like . I am trying to raise money to send care packages to the troops. (nonprofit) So far my family and I have donated a free stay and breakfast at the Hilton Garden Inn. And I was thinking at the elementary we could raffle off a stuffed animal (our mascot) If you have any ideas please feel free to offer them.

Many thanks
-Student council and myself.

How does Humboldt State University compare to the others colleges in California?

I’m a junior and I’m starting to look into colleges. I’m interested in going to a college in or near San Francisco. Many benefits to this. I love San Francisco for one thing and it is only two hours from my home so now long commutes to visit home.

So what I was wondering how does HSU compare to the other colleges in California. Is the tuition fairly reasonable or expensive? Academic wise how does it compare? And most importantly of all is it hard to get into?

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