without me of course. For two weeks. From May 18-June 1. I understand that her co-worker is going (she’s actually from there) to spend her child’s birthday with her (turning 9 I believe). My birthday also falls within this time frame. I am utterly furious that my spouse seems so adamant about going without any regards to how I feel. I wasn’t invited and this isn’t a trip with her family. I’m actually thinking of telling her that if she goes I won’t be here if & when she comes back. She spends TOO much time with this friend and has recently taken a 4-day trip to northern California with her as well. She claims I don’t like going places but I don’t have a job that allows spontaneous trips and I can’t go during school months (I’m trying get my BA).

I’m tired of her ALWAYS placing her friends and family first & expecting me to be ok with it.