Church News
1. St. Francis’ Episcopal Church By Ellie Mahouski Fortuna’s St. Francis’ Episcopal Church will have a pie booth at 13th and Main Street on July 23, the Saturday of Fortuna’s AutoXpo.
Read more on The Humboldt Beacon

Canyon briefs
The American Canyon Community Church annual rummage sale is June 10-11, 7:00 a.m.-12 p.m., 2 Andrew Road, American Canyon. The sale raises money for upcoming Vacation Bible School, a free ministry to our community.
Read more on The American Canyon Eagle

Belmont setting new wages for firefighters
Belmont officials are set to establish a new salary and benefits plan for a stand-alone fire department come October that includes a 10 percent reduction in wages from what firefighters currently make with the Belmont-San Carlos Fire Department.
Read more on San Mateo Daily Journal