Beaver Story – interesting facts about beavers

Castoridae family consits of two species, Castor canadensis (the common one or the true one) and Castor fiber (European or Eurasian beaver). In the past Eurasian beaver lived in the area from Eastern Siberia to British Isles. In the end of 19th century, the population of beavers decreased to only 1,200 due to over hunting.

But ofcourse, thanks to the reintroduction, natural spread and protection in the 20th century, their number has increased to approximately 593,000 on 2002. Now, they are found all over Europe, with the exception of Italy, Iberia and the southern Balkans. Beavers are found as well in Mongolia China and Khabarovsk.

The true beaver or the common beaver or beaver, that is C. Canadian, were found in North America first. The true beaver are found from arctic to northern Mexico, apart from Nevada, Southern California, some places in Alaska and most of Florida,. There were few reports of inaccessible populations in places such as Temecula Creek and Southern California also.

Since 1975 Canada’s official symbol is Canadensis. Since 1853 till 1877 more than 3 million beavers have been killed with the passion to sell in UK by Hudson Bay Company. Furs were so precious that it contributed significantly to the westward settlement and development of human settlement of Canada and North America.

Beavers are known for their normal trait of building dams on rivers and streams, and constructing houses, on the pond. Beavers as well build canals, which are very difficult to drag on the ground. They utilize their sharp frontal teeth to cut trees and plants that they utilize for construction and food. Initially, they put vertical poles and then they fill the gaps of the poles with horizontally crisscrossed placed branches. They seal the gaps of the branches by blending mud and weeds until the dam confiscate adequate water to encircle the lodge.
They are also well-known for their alarm signal: while frightened or starthtened, a beaver starts quickly dive while vehemently spanking the water with its wide tail, these spanks can be heard for huge distances above and below water. This gives a caution to other beavers in the region. Once one of them sounds the alarm, beavers nearby dive and probably will not resurface for a while. Beavers are sluggish on land, but they are excellent swimmers and can stay beneath water for about 15 minutes. In beaver blog ou can find interesting Beaver Pictures.

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