Goal Setting: Dream or Goal, What Comes First?

“Are you equating dreams with goals or do you set goals to get to your dream?” A friend asked me this question recently.

That is a good question. I have known some dynamic clients who are stubborn and never give up. They definitely dream and have a vision. In order to help you identify the difference between a dream, vision, and a goal, listed below are 8 steps to take to achieve your goals.

1. Dream or visualize your goal.

Here are some ways dreaming and visualization work: 1) Entrepreneurs can dream and visualize their goals, 2) Corporate goals generally begin with visualization and they can see the end result of their project and know what it will look like, and 3) Personal goals can be all of the above. For example, if the individual wants a Ferrari he will begin thinking about the car, then dreaming about it such as its color, model, fun to drive, etc. If the person is asked to do a project he will visualize a plan of action to finish the project. There was no dream involved as someone else created the concept.

2. Have a solid, clear picture in your mind of your goal.

Before you can write down a plan of action you should be able to visualize the end result in your mind and then it makes it easier to set up a plan to achieve the goal. It is easier to accomplish if you have a solid picture of it in your mind.

3. Develop your goal/plan.

You nurture the dream until it has real meaning for you. For example for me I had a dream to have a Writers’ Retreat in the Sonoma County Wine Country. Up to this point there was nothing, no plan in place and no specific people in mind. Then I began dreaming. I could visualize 10 writers sitting in the conference room creating their writing plan. I SAW the redwood trees, rustic cottages, and people mingling outside in the garden. It was an awesome visualization and dream. I even created a Visualization Board.

4. Set up a date (target date) to complete your goal.

Decide on a date to achieve your goal. Give yourself as much time as you feel is needed to accomplish your goal.

5. Write down a plan of action based on your target date.

It’s the baby steps it takes to finish the goal. Identify each task needed to complete your goal. It could be phone calling, sending out notices, marketing, Teleseminars, finding a hotel for your event, research, etc. You may have to adjust the target date if the tasks involved will take more time than anticipated. If your goal will take more than six months it is recommended that you have sub-goals that you can finish every quarter so it makes is easier to finish your goal and you won’t lose interest.

6. If you missed your goal, reset the target date and continue until you reach your goal.

Most important: As long as you still believe in the goal you keep on going and never give up. You need to feel PASSION for your dream or it will be difficult to finish. One client who sets 100 goals a year and accomplishes 90% of them told me that she just couldn’t stop. She is obsessed with completing her goals, however she calls them dreams. She is driven. How about you?

7. Find a mentor or buddy that will support you.

This can give you the boost you need in the tough times and be your motivator to help keep you going. Goal setting is not for the timid. A lot of work is involved. A huge commitment is needed on your part. Ignore the naysayer and find those positive people in your life that believe in you and will help you stay focused.

8. Take action and follow your plan.

There is only one person that can complete your goal, YOU! You must take action, overcome obstacles, and follow through on all your action steps. YOU are the Action Task Achiever, only YOU can make your dreams come true. That’s what I like about my dynamic clients. I give them the information they need and they do it! They are motivated. Do you have the passion for your dream? Can you visualize your goal? Do you have a buddy? Are you ready to create a plan of action? If you answered yes, to these questions then congratulations you are ready. Have fun and enjoy the journey.

America’s Book Coach, Joan Clout-Kruse, helps entrepreneurs and business professionals write a book that will get them recognized as an expert, attract more clients and boost their income. Claim your Free audio and tips on writing your great
book at http://www.writemybizbook.com/ezine.html

Article from articlesbase.com

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