Where is a nice place to live in humboldt county?
We are looking to move across country from new york to california and humboldt county looks nice. We’re thinking of Arcata, Eureka or McKinleyville. Which area do you like best? Any other towns in humboldt that we should also look into?
2 Responses
28 Jan 2010
28 Jan 2010
You need to get a job first, then move to where ever that is.
There are no jobs. The major source of income there is drugs, with the vast majority of the population on welfare.
Unless you are in the medical industry there is no work. There are a few hospitals, but that is it. No industry, other then growing pot, and they will not be hiring you, they are family owned farms.
You must be looking for a terminal case of culture shock. Compared to the rest of California it is a different planet.
Humboldt County suffers from a lagging lumber industry, the major agricultural crop is marijuana, home prices are high, wages are low. Its location is far from the nearest substantial city (Santa Rosa, five hours away.)
I suggest looking for something closer to civilization.