Is it OK to allow the Palin’s to keep their mega-fence to block the neighbors view, in direct non-compliance of the neighborhood zoning ordinances? Apparently, her present 6 foot tall fence suddenly isn’t tall enough!

Her home, on Lake Lucille in Wasilla, Alaska is hardly "in the middle of nowhere" as Bristol testified last month during her mother’s hacked email trial in Tennessee, and is instead located in a lakeside residential community in the city of Wasilla, AK. The Lake Lucille Inn is nearby. The lots in her neighborhood have 10 foot side-yard setbacks, so it can hardly be considered "rural" with houses only 20 feet away from each other all around the lake. The area and it’s residents are subject to CCR’s and zoning ordinances (just as the rest of us "mere mortals" are), and it seems this fence may be just a TAD too tall, according to the City of Wasilla Building Code: "Section16.16.050(19) Appearance. The proposed use may be required to blend in with the general neighborhood appearance and architecture. Building spacing, setbacks, lot coverage, and height must be designed to provide adequate provisions for natural light and air."

This new neighbor just happens to be a famous book author, and is now working on a book about Madame Palin. In fact, Palin speculated on her Facebook page (‘natch…) that he’ll be spying in Piper’s bedroom window, and watching her do the gardening while wearing skimpy summer clothing. Hey, she said it – you just can’t make this kind of stuff up!

So, she and Todd decided to build a mega-fence (local zoning ordinances be damned). Can you imagine the nerve?

Then, in a brilliant move to attempt to show how intrusive HE’S going to be, and how much HE will invade HER privacy, she has actually published A PICTURE OF HIM on her Facebook profile sitting on the far side of HIS deck, facing AWAY from HER house, minding HIS own business. You know… to show how inappropriate HE is for whatever it is HE might or might not do at some time in the future… maybe… you know, like taking a creepy spy picture of HER that she doesn’t know about and then publishing it online to a hostile audience and asking for comment. That HE could possibly sink that low, couldn’t HE. Some people… I tell ya… can you imagine the nerve of THAT GUY?

Should the city of Wasilla require that the Palin’s fence abide by the building code? Or is preemptive fence raising a reasonable way to deal with a "book-author-neighbor-that-you-have-no-control-over-what-he-says-about-you," perceived threat OK?

That would be a a "book-author-neighbor-that-you-have-no-control-over-what-he-writes-about-you"…


… you-have-no-control-over-what-he-writes-about-you…
