What’s the best way to keep a redwood seedling alive?
My wife and I bought a little "starter kit" on a vacation and got two sprouts (and have followed all watering instructions), but one of them has since dried up and died. We’re afraid for the other one — what can we do to keep it alive (it’s about 2 inches tall)?
2 Responses
heart o’ g
28 Jan 2010
28 Jan 2010
Where are you and in what kind of climate are you? If in the house be sure its not getting a direct blow from a heating element or from your furnace. Also be sure to keep top soil well moist did you make sure it has good drainage as it will look like it has dried up when it really is drowning.
Redwoods really like to grow in soil deeply covered with redwood mulch. If you have any redwoods in the area get some soil/mulch from underneath them to put in the top of your pot.
The seedlings will also like filtered light, like they would get growing in a redwood grove, so be sure they aren’t being fried by the sun.