does wood on a redwood fence shrink?
If it does, then should a builder buy the wood, let it dry and then build the fence?
4 Responses
07 Apr 2010
Jim S
07 Apr 2010
Yes, depending on how much moisture is in the wood when you build the fence. It won’t shrink as much as other woods, though.
kai etienne
07 Apr 2010
Yes it will shrink until the moisture content becomes the same as ambient.
Terry B
07 Apr 2010
Yes it will shrink. If you let it weather or dry for a year before you install it that will help minimize further shrinkage. But…….
As the seasons and humidity levels change that wood need to expand and contract so you need to have a bit of space between each board.
Also working with very dry wood increases the chances of cracking and splitting. It will increase the installation costs.
yes, but most lumber is kiln dried when you buy it, redwood has little shrinkage, especially after it’s stained and sealed, it should be fine.