what to plant under redwood tree?
I have a big redwood in my front and nothing seems to grow there — is it hopeless or what would look nice under it?
3 Responses
04 Apr 2010
04 Apr 2010
I live in Eureka, California. Heart of the Redwoods..
Nothing really grows under the redwoods. It might be the leafs, I know they leave tar spots on cars that is hard to remove.
I would ask your local nursery.
devi j
04 Apr 2010
definitely ferns!!! i live in Calif, and whenever i go visit the redwoods and sequoias, that is the majority i see growing under the shade. oh! also dogwoods, azaleas, and lupines. (sp)
wish i know how to post a picture… i have lots of them showing the ferns, dogwoods etc…
I live in the redwoods as well. In the surrounding groves, the plants that grow under the redwoods are ferns (certain kind I;m sure) a large white flower called Trillium, and there is a redwood iris & some sort of giant leafed clovers as well.
Redwood is a different sort of tree in many ways. The wood has been used to build homes because the bugs don’t eat it. I imagine it it the same chemical make up of the tree that makes it’s leaves very acidic so you would want to find a plant that likes soil that prefers high acidity.