how long is it from LA to humboldt state university?
i herd it was 10 hours but i want to make sure>
3 Responses
19 Mar 2010
19 Mar 2010
Yep, according to yahoo maps its 10 hours and 20 minutes. But remember, thats just driving time, doesn’t take into accounts your stops for gas, food etc.
19 Mar 2010
Humboldt State University is located in Arcata, California. It is about 650 miles from Los Angeles. Actual driving time is more like 11 hours.
Depending on your driving habits it is anywhere between 10-12 hours. The reason it takes longer than it looks is the last leg of the drive (Lake, Mendocino, & Humboldt Counties) is very rural and the highway is only two lane in a lot of places and slow going.