Maternity Leave in California and accumulated vacation & sick leave.?
Hello I found a website where a woman living in California broke down maternity leave in 3 parts that was VERY helpful and understandable. My question is after you are approved to use the SDI & Paid Family leave, are you able to use accumlated vacation and sick leave time AFTER you have used the required leave that the state offers?
Here is the website:
2 Responses
18 Mar 2010
Phoenix Princess
18 Mar 2010
Your employer is not obligated to allow you to be on leave longer than the time mandated by law, but you can certainly ask. Their willingness will vary based on your employer.
Check with your HR department. My experience has been that under FMLA, you use all of your sick and vacation leave first (because when you’re on these you get paid), and what ever’s left under FMLA is unpaid leave. For example, if you’re granted 12 weeks FMLA leave as maternity leave, and you have 3 weeks of sick leave and 4 weeks of annual leave, the final , then the final 5 weeks of your maternity leave will be unpaid (but you still get to have the job protections of FMLA)