Can you build a tree-house using more than one tree, that will last?
my bf built a tree-house in more than one tree. He bolted a wood platform to the three trees about 15ft up. two of the trees are redwoods and the third is a liquid amber and all the trees are about 20 yrs. old.
There is a storm coming tonight with 40 mph winds …so we will see.
3 Responses
13 Mar 2010
13 Mar 2010
The tree house will last as long as the building and the trees allow. If the building methods are amateur, the house will not last long. If the trees are damaged in any way, the house will fall, regardless of the structural worthiness.
13 Mar 2010
The main problem with building a treehouse on multiple trees comes if there is a good wind storm which makes the trees sway at different rates. That can pull your treehouse apart.
You need to attach the treehouse to the trees so that the trees can move without breaking up the treehouse. I’ll leave the details to someone who is much better than I am at woodworking.
Trees of different size or different species will move differently in the wind. The tree house will undoubtedly be broken apart eventually.