How often should i water a redwood tree, and how much water does it need?
a few weeks ago i bought a baby redwood. It was about two feet tall, with a few branches. as soon as i got it home, i put it in a planter. the place i got it from said that it didnt like a lot of water, so i gave it a big splash of water every 2-3 days, instead of every day. well, ive noticed that one of the lower branches is wilting, and i would hate to have my tree die on me… any tips?
4 Responses
20 Feb 2010
John Black
20 Feb 2010
That tree will not be happy in a planter for a very long time. It will be better planted in the ground in a suitable location. After this is done, and you water only enough to avoid dehydration until the plant is adjusted to it’s new location in the ground, it will require practically NO water. They were right, this type of plant is sensitive to overwatering. For the time being, if it will remain in the planter, I would decrease the frequency of the waterings even more. Maybe every four days or if it’s not prime growing weather then even just once a week.
Susie Bui
08 Jul 2013
I have a few redwood trees about 70 to 100 years old in my back yard, I never thought about water them until now I saw one of them is dying , please help to save them .
Thank you
Vince Neidlinger
01 Jul 2020
Our redwood tree is about 10 yrs old and was by itself, taking low drip irrigation and was happy. Soil is dirt/heavy clay mix. Slow growing about 30 ft and 12” trunk….
We now have newly planted sod, 20 x 40 ft, 3 ft away from tree on a sprinkler. Tree now showing brown stems around middle of tree… TOO MUCH water now? Should I cut off drip system as it gets sprinkler 3 times daily, 5 mines.. Pls advise. Thank you.
You are overwatering your Redwood Overwatering a plant is WORSE than underwatering, as you are drowning your poor baby tree! Redwoods also need 6+ hours of sun a day. The combination of too little light and too much water is causing your Redwood to wilt. My advice: Back way off the water. Start watering when the soil is dry. When you do water, don’t "Splash". Thoroughly soak the tree root zone til water runs out of the bottom of the planter. Here’s an article about watering
It’s fine to leave your Redwood in a planter for a couple years til it gets bigger.