If price is NOT a factor, then rank the quality of these hotel accomodations from BEST to WORST?
Hotels (they’re in Philadelphia by the way):
Ritz Carlton
Downtown Courtyard
Hilton Garden Inn
Hampton Inn
I also don’t care about the bar, restaurant, or any other external factors.
Just the quality of sleeping accomodations and "niceness" of the hotel.
4 Responses
04 Feb 2010
04 Feb 2010
Ritz Carlton
Marriott Center City
Downtown Courtyard
Hilton Garden Inn
Hampton Inn
Also try the Sheraton in Society Hill. It’s as good as the MArriott but not in center city, it’s in the historic area.
04 Feb 2010
Ritz Carlton and the Marriott are the best..then after that I’d probably go Downtown Courtyard, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Inn..and then Lowe’s…2 other good hotels..which are very nice ..are the Hyatt at the Bellevue and the Penn’s Landing Hyatt..I know both are Hyatt’s but I never had any complaints about either one.
04 Feb 2010
I find it difficult to rank Hilton highly in today’s economy. Their reservations system often requires wait times, and you are talking with employees that are not familiar with the location where you are making a resevations 99% of the time. Hilton is already known for being expensive, and poor customer service is not a good match for a hotel that is also expensive.
My list:
Ritz Carlton
Downtown Courtyard
Hampton Inn
Hilton Garden Inn
1. A tie between Ritz Carlton and Mariott
2. Downtown Courtyard
3. Hilton
4. Hampton Inn
5 Loew’s, eww, the worst
The Ritz Carlton is always a good choice, and Mariott, too. If you are going on a buisness trip I would suggest the Mariott, but if you are going for fun I suggest the Ritz Carlton. All of the other hotels are average. Just beware, these can be pricey.