I have got 30 american redwood tree seeds will they grow in england ?
3 Responses
29 Aug 2011
Jolie Belle
29 Aug 2011
Yes, if the soil and weather where u plant them are similar to where they’re come from and u take enough care to them
29 Aug 2011
seriously doubt it…and not only that how did you get them, we have problems in environments with bugs animals etc because people are taking items into places they shouldnt be most things like this have a quarantine time and some are just prohibited
Well, let’s see.
Are there any redwoods growing naturally where you live?
Probably not.
You MIGHT be able to get one to grow for awhile, but imagine if it WERE able to grow to it’s full potential.
Where on your property is there enough room for something that huge?
Have you seen how big they get, and how long they CAN live in their proper environment?