Steel frame for redwood driveway gate?
I would like to have a ~10 foot wide by 6 foot tall redwood gate installed across my driveway. I have been told that it would be wise to have a steel frame behind the wood to reinforce and prevent sagging. Is there a distributor online that sells such things?
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3 Responses
Jedi Master <
25 Aug 2011
25 Aug 2011
yes a steel gate with a wood laminate would be needed! most gate material used can be bough ten from a cyclone fence dealer or Menard’s etc.
25 Aug 2011
I would suggest discussing the design with a local welder. If you have a drawing of your proposed gate, show it to him/her and I’m sure some lightweight steel gussets would brace it up just fine. Just find a welder that has some references and get an approximate cost.
if you are going to use steel outside make sure that it is stainless or hot dipped zinc, and all you really need it for is corner reenforcement. the wood is not going to collapse anytime in the next couple of decades. use mortise and tenon joints with either lag screws or large dowels…