Is redwood mulch good for vegetable gardens?
I live in San Mateo, CA. We have a vegetable garden with Tomatoes, peppers, radishes. I was wondering if having a redwood mulch is good for the vegetables – or if it negatively affects the ph level in the soil.
2 Responses
18 Aug 2011
18 Aug 2011
Usually those types of plants dont require a mulch unless it is a bit chilly. Icould be wrong but believe that mulch is used for plants that need warmth.
It will not affect anything in the soil unless you mix the mulch into the soil. Mixing mulch in the soil will deplete the nitrogen in the soil because it is not decomposed and during the decomposing process you could wind up with too little nitrogen in the soil,decomposing matter temporarily binds up the nitrogen in the soil (making it unavailable to the plants) until the decomposition is complete. Putting the mulch on the surface will not affect anything. It is recommended to rake up the mulch at the end of the season.