Is it just here (Humboldt County, CA) that the Green Party is fighting fuel efficient transportation?
We are rather far from the centers of production for legal goods, and everyhing i brought in by truck. Transportation byrail or sea is much more fuel efficient and economical. But the Green candidates are heavily opposed t fixing the existing railroad or using existing port facilities except to quietly export timber to asia. Is the Green Party like that everywhere? Taken over by vested commercial interests?
5 Responses
Stink-eye Judas
02 Jul 2011
02 Jul 2011
money is what makes the world function. love is what adds color. both are needed to bring quality food to your fork.
Owen Newitt̵
02 Jul 2011
All political parties rely on being able to dupe enough of the people to get into office. GPUS is no different. They are duping people concerned with the environment but too lazy to look into things themselves.
Elise Harper
02 Jul 2011
ITS AMAZING I find this for you.
27 Dec 2015
I am excited the voayge will be stopping in the Galapagos! If you have never visited the islands, be ready to be astonished! There is nowhere else in the world that compares to this almost’ pure paradise. I was there only once back in 2007, for one week, and I fell in love with the islands. It has almost become an addiction. I plan to return in the future after my studies to possibly do conservation work. I believe this will truly be one of the greatest highlights of the voayge! In the end, I appreciate what all of you are doing for our precious oceans.You will know when you are near the islands look for the turquoise waters. Stay safe and take care your friend,Mr. Owens
Can’t say I’m surprised.
Same situation here, since the oil companies told us they are planning on $5/gal gas this summer, food costs have gone up roughly 30%.
At the same time, because of the on-going Bush Depression, donations to food banks have dropped off and the senior center is turning people away at lunch time.