How tall is a California Redwood Tree after 10 years 20 years?
I would like to grow one in Oklahoma
I have Since learned that giant redwoods can grow 1 to 2 feet tall after like there first 5 or 6 years… and coastal redwoods can actually grow like 3 to 6 feet a year in the right zone my area is the right growth zone for both
2 Responses
Brian C
19 Apr 2011
Gary C
19 Apr 2011
They grow slowly. One might be only a foot tall or so after 10 or 20 years.
California Redwoods (Sequoia Sempervirens) also known as Coast Redwoods, Can reach staggering growth rates right after the seedlings are established. Growing 18 inches per season for the first few years and then growing 6.5 feet per season or so. If you are indeed in the right region a 10 year old redwood could easily be up to 40+ feet and on up to 100 feet at 20 years!! wow. Can you believe that water is sucked all the way up that trunk simply by the leaves transpiring water vapor out of them? could you use a 100 foot straw?