How long does a letter take to get from Redwood City, CA to San Francisco, CA? Same State?
It’s only about 30-40 minutes away by car. It was supposedly mailed to me this Wednesday (yesterday) morning. Some people say it should get there next day, but it didn’t today. Should I expect something tomorrow? Thanks!
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3 Responses
02 Feb 2011
02 Feb 2011
Most of the time mail sent and delivered in the bay area takes two days to be delivered but sometimes it takes a third day. I have never had a standard letter take over four days.
02 Feb 2011
Should be one day.. Check the meter date.. They say it was mailed,but the meter date says it all.. Also, If there is a clear window on the letter.. The USPS now scans all their mail through bar code sorters.. Sometimes the mail goes so fast, the glare on the window might sent it elsewhere.. It happens,but not always..
My father lives in San Carlos, I live in Sacramento.
Most times I get what he mails the next day.
Never more than two days.