Selling home baked goods in Humboldt County, California?
I’m pretty sure from what I have found it is illegal unless through a commercial kitchen? But what if it’s through the farmer’s market? Or private orders? Or selling through a business once a month for a community event?
One Response
28 Jan 2011
farmers market sales follow the same rules as any other retail sales rules so selling baked goods made in your home would be illegal as it would be selling via a community event (unless you give all proceeds to charity, i believe) same with private orders
All that said you can slide under the wire if no one comes to these events and inspects what you are selling they cannot tell you to cease and desist and fine you. and many people go on for years and years and are never found out, but it is taking a chance.
And if you poison someone and get sued you could be out millions of dollars if you are not properly insured and no insurance agency will give you liability coverage unless all your other ducks are in order.