Difference between Burlington Campground and Jedediah Campground?
We often visit the Burlington Campground near Meyer’s Flat in Humboldt State Park. We are planning a trip to Jedediah State Redwood Campground.
How does it compare to Burlington?
I reserved camp number 27. For the weeks we are going, everything along the river is booked already 🙁 Do you know anything about number 27? Is it big? We will have 8 people, 2 dogs, 1 car, 1 van, and a travel trailer. It’s a 36" drive through spot. I hope it’s nice. The kids like to set up about 4 huge tents (some to sleep in, some to play in). I know in Burlington there was enough room for all that. I just hope the actual sites are big, or even bigger then in Burlington. I can’t wait to go camping!!!
One Response
10 Jan 2011
Jedidiah Smith Campground is one of the nicest in the entire state of California, perhaps the entire country. It is much nicer than Burlington. The campground is right along the banks of the Smith River. If you can, try to reserve camp sites 52-58, which are along the river (some of the other sites are on a bluff above the river).
The Smith River is fun to float from the highway crossing four miles above camp to the campground.
Directly across the river is the amazing Stout Grove of redwoods (photo below).
Make sure that you take the drive over Howland Hill Road in the park. Simply amazing.