what kind of inviroment is suitable for a russian tortoise?
How come cedar/redwood products are bad(i have some now and he is doing just fine)?
why is he so picky on foods (he only eats lettuce apples lettuce …)?
and is a spot lamp with a 60 watt bulb a good choice?
One Response
06 Dec 2010
I have an aquatic turtle and do not know too much about raising tortoises. However, if you are keeping him primarily indoors, then a 60-watt bulb will not do. You will need a stronger bulb for heat and also a UVA/UVB light so that they can adequately process Vitamin D and calcium for their shells. The UVA/UVB bulbs are very expensive (about $40) but I have had my turtle for two years and the bulb has never burnt out.
As far as foods go, lettuce and apples are fine. Just keep experimenting and see what other fruits and vegetables he likes. Kale and collard greens are extremely good for turtles and tortoises, because they have more calcium per serving than a glass of milk does! Berries are a great treat but don’t serve them too often because they are relatively high in calories. Broccoli, celery, and carrots are all things that my turtle enjoys too.
I don’t know too much about the cedarwood/redwood products being bad for tortoises but if you have heard that they are bad, don’t use them. It is better to be safe than sorry. Good luck!