My neighbors dog barks all night long so I went in his back yard and chopped down his redwood tree. revenge?
Did I get my due revenge?
10 Responses
17 Oct 2010
17 Oct 2010
No. the dog is still going to bark all night long đŸ™‚
17 Oct 2010
I hope you get arrested.
17 Oct 2010
well …. if your an adult…you sound immature…
couldnt you just infomr the people their dogs were barking all night?
or you could have called animal control or somethign like that cuz the people can get in trouble if their dogs bark after 9 i think.
17 Oct 2010
No. I hope your neighbor has you arrested for trespassing and destruction of property.
17 Oct 2010
You can’t be serious??? Why would you do that?? You killed a tree when your beef is with your neighbour.. Next time deal with the neighbour and leave the poor trees out of it!
17 Oct 2010
no revenge is worth… jsut talk to your neighbors and explain the situation if that doesnt work just call the animal control haha
17 Oct 2010
you are nut
17 Oct 2010
See, this was not well thought out revenge. You solved no problems at all. If I were awakened in the middle of the night by a barking dog I would wait until at least after midnight. Get up, make sure your hair is all a mess. Go over to the neighbors and bang frantically on the door. When they answer, say, "OMG! Thank God You are OK!!!! I was so worried!! Your dog has been barking her little head off and I thought surely if they were still alive they would have gotten the dog to stop barking by now! OH NO!!!! Do you think there is someone in your backyard with the dog:O Come on….Let’s go see!!!" It would also help if you could hug them when you realize they are ok. But if you did this every night for a few nights, I bet they would do more to insure that the dog was quiet, if for no other reason just so you didn’t come to their home. Good Luck to you.
17 Oct 2010
hahahahahah i hate to break it to you but the dog is going to bark when ever he wants. theres nothing you can do about it. killing the tree has nothing to do with the dog lmao your a dumb ass. …yea lets go chop down trees, thatll stop the dogs from barking. loser!
No sir. The dog will still bark, and you cut down a tree for no good reason. If you want to actually SOLVE the problem, go talk to your neighbors.