When do I transplant my Sequoia Sempervirens outside?
I started a Coastal Redwood from seed. It is about 2 inches high. I live in PA, around Philadelphia–when can I plant it outside? How big should It be before I transplant it outdoors? Also, how fast will it grow? Like in ten years or so approximately how tall will it be? Thanks!
One Response
26 Aug 2010
The Coast Redwood – Sequoia sempervirens
"The Coast redwoods thrive in the thickest part of California’s fog belt, where each summer day cool fog moves onto land from the ocean. In this 5- to 45-mile-wide strip of land, stretching 470 miles from Central California north to southern Oregon, the fog condenses on the branches and drips down onto the ground, supplying from 15% to almost half the water needs of these trees."
They can’t take frost. If your climate approximates to the above then transplant it outside whenever you like. Leave it too late (it’ll grow to 30-50 ft tall in 10 years!) and you’ll damage the root system so much you’ll kill it.