What is a good price on a 10 year old swing set?
I am going to look at a Rainbow System, cedar and redwood swing set today for my children. It is 10 years old and the person who is selling it said they purchased it for 00 brand new. What is a reasonable price to pay if it is in good condition ?
I am surprised at the prices I am getting – I thought I would be offering much higher. Why wouldn’t it be worth anything ?
Don’t get me wrong, I am excited about the 0 or less offers !!
4 Responses
25 Aug 2010
25 Aug 2010
It isn’t worth anything. Offer them $100.
25 Aug 2010
Edgar R,
25 Aug 2010
250 or nothing or buy them the wii better for them ..they wont be compaining about the sun outside its too hot or complaning about the swings that they cant sit on them cuz they are hot and thinkk about it if you buy them the wii it will be for years and years and the swings will last for about 3 years cuuz the kids would forget about the swings…
i would start at 100 and no higher then 300 especially if you have to tear down and haul..if they tear down and will haul i would go as high as 500…they are not cheap sets..and if in good shape your getting a good deal