How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Does the type of wood affect the amount? Can he chuck more oak than birch? What if he was chucking redwood? I need figures.
6 Responses
24 Aug 2010
24 Aug 2010
As much wood as a woodchuck could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood!
24 Aug 2010
i can count. you can count on me.
Boka Lee Moca
24 Aug 2010
A woodchuck cant chuck any wood so a woodchuck wont chuck wood đŸ™‚
24 Aug 2010
i think he can chuck wood as much as he wants
24 Aug 2010
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
(I think it’s harder to type that out then to say CX)
A woodchuck can chuck 4.289348 pounds of wood every 10 seconds, so how long is the woodchuck going to chuck wood?
If a wood chuck is going to chuck as much as a woodchuck can, then it’ll chuck approx. 45893lbs of wood.
Provide me with full details of woodchuck anatomy, including muscular strength of both front and hind legs. Then list every type of wood in the world, including fossilised woods, along with the specific gravity of each type. Don’t forget to include the air pressure at all the different altitudes in the world, for this would affect the throw.
Once you’ve provided me with all relevant information, I’ll answer your question. As things stand, your question is too generalised to answer.