How to grow a redwood tree?
I went to cali about a year ago and I got some seeds this spring I planted the seed but none sproted any segestion for the remaining seeds I have?
3 Responses
22 Jun 2010
Vernal H
22 Jun 2010
most of the redwood seeds are not viable (about 90 % or more will never sprout) just keep trying plant the seeds you have left and hope..
22 Jun 2010
i don’t know where you live, so i can’t say if it is possible to grow these seeds in your area. in any case start the seeds inside in small pots. as they grow you can try transplanting them outside.
Out of 100 seeds only about 5 will sprout. I live in Ca. and Redwoods are awesome but I wouldn’t want on within 50′ of my house. If you still want to try the link may help you.