What to pack for California vacation?
It’s in 2 weeks, for about 8 days. We’ll be staying in San Diego pretty much the whole time. I’m so excited, but I’m not sure what to pack in terns of shorts. Do I bring like maybe one pair of jeans, and all shorts? Short shorts or capris? I know the weather isn’t exactly burning down there at the moment, so can you guys fill me in? Thanks!
2 Responses
Diane A
05 Jun 2010
05 Jun 2010
i think you should pack 2 pair of jeans will be better .you know that the weather is not always that hot.
Its actually pretty windy & cool right now. And at night it is cold (think 50’s). If you go out at night you will need long pants & a coat. The coast is also colder than inland. You will not be exclusively in shorts for the full day, so even if you had shorts on for part of the day, you will still be changing (it is winter-ish still here).