Do Conservative Republicans believe in freedom or not?
1) For example, why don’t they believe in a woman’s right to choose what she does with her own body?
2) Why don’t I have the freedom of unlimited duration of food and lodging if I can unfairly not find a job when I did my homework and have perfect qualifications, but nobody is hiring?
3) Why don’t I have the freedom to marry a man OR a woman and then adopt children in any part of America, not just blue states?
4) Why can’t I grow my own homegrown weed and smoke it in the privacy of my own backyard?
5) Why are my rights to unionize with my fellow workers NOT allowed in some of your Conservative US states, forcing managers to take advantage because they can lay anyone off they feel like without the democratic voice of the worker?
6) Why am I not free to live in a society that provides healthcare for ALL citizens, not just the "haves".
7) And what’s the big deal if I want to visit Havana Cuba? Why does this make me a communist…with a Scarlet letter on my chest?
I thought this land was your land and my land from California to the New York Islands from the Redwood Forests to the Gulfstream waters….but Conservatives think this is only their land? I don’t understand.
Conservatives would sing this song instead….
this property is your property,
this property is my property….
yours is 2 inches with no irrigation in a trailor park
mines 6 acres with 3-car garages and a golfcourse and guardhouse
And in between the 2
Is a paved road which is about the only we let Government pay for other than fight wars
This land was made potentially for you and potentially separately for me, and I’m winning because I have more money than you
17 Responses
Islam Delenda Es
21 May 2010
21 May 2010
Hi Nancy Pelosi !
Did’nt know you used this site.
21 May 2010
J.C. Grant
21 May 2010
Why can’t you and your ilk do some of these things? Because you’re an irresponsible scumbag. What’s good for me isn’t good for you.
21 May 2010
Oh, you mean like this;
If a conservative doesn’t like guns, they don’t buy one.
If a liberal doesn’t like guns, then no one should have one.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, they don’t eat meat.
If a liberal is, they want to ban all meat products for everyone.
If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy.
A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.
If a conservative is homosexual, they quietly enjoy their life.
If a liberal is homosexual, they loudly demand legislated respect.
If a black man or Hispanic is conservative, they see themselves as independently successful.
Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A liberal wants any mention of God or religion silenced.
If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that his neighbors pay for his
21 May 2010
Michael R
21 May 2010
"1) For example, why don’t they believe in a woman’s right to choose what she does with her own body?"
Why don’t you believe in an unborn child’s right to not be murdered?
21 May 2010
Conservative Republicans are NOT libertarian. They believe in conserving the things that government has tradtionally done.
21 May 2010
1. Your assessment of the situation is extremely naive. Depending on your definition of "human", abortion would also affect the child, making it not solely the mother being affected.
2. How do you quantitatively determine that "no one is hiring"?
3. I agree with your point here.
4. I agree with your point here.
5. What person is trying to ban unions? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single person argue that point.
6. Why not the freedom to have an Xbox too? You would have to prove that it is the government’s responsibility to provide such a thing.
7. Once again, I don’t think anyone is really arguing that point.
Tommy B
21 May 2010
1> If a baby is a Human, then choice doesn’t trump human rights. We disagree whether a baby is a baby
2> You have that freedom, just not at the expense of my family, without our consent. If you were my neighbor, you would never starve.
3>You have that freedom, just not the votes to force ALL Americans to sanction it and grant that union new rights which have never existed before.
4> I support legalization as do a growing number of Conservatives (no pun intended)
5> We believe a job is a private relationship between owner and employee, not a federally protected ‘right’ My skill as a worker has helped me more than any Union ever could. I consider a job interview a two-way interview where my prospective boss better convince me that I want him as a boss, or I can take my desirable skills elsewhere.
6> Since the 60s, no hospital can deny needed care to ANY person, citizen or not, regardless of their ability to pay. I have a problem with being forcibly robbed of my income to pay for Nationalized medicine, though, so I oppose that.
7> THIS is our land. Communist Cuba is not. I oppose any emigration to any totalitarian despotic state, not just Cuba.
21 May 2010
I. The unborn child has a right to life that supercedes a woman’s rights to not be inconvenienced for 9 months due to her own irresponsible behavior.
2. We aren’t against welfare, but people existing on welfare for years and years making no attempt to better themselves as is true with the majority of welfare recipients.
3. I don’t care who or what you sleep with. Just don’t call it a marriage because a marriage is the union between a man and a woman.
4. Fry your brain. Who cares?
5. Unionize if you choose, but keep it out of politics. The government should play no part in the private sector, except to regulate interstate commerce per our Constitution. There is a growing trend now to force people into unions. Verizon is doing it. And some states, too, are forcing child care providers into unions. It isn’t optional. The money just comes out of the subsidy checks.
6. Healthcare is not a right under our Constitution. You want healthcare, get a job that provides you with insurance or pay for it out of pocket.
7. Go to Cuba if you want. You can always get there from another country. Me? I love my Country and stand by the embargo. Why would you want to go there? Why do you think people risk their lives making the 90 mile journey from Cuba to Florida on flimsy rafts if it is this awesome place? If you loo0k on YouTube you’ll find videos of REAL hospitals in Cuba, not Michael Moore’s fantasy hospitals.
21 May 2010
So you want to be taken care of, have the right to kill the unborn, equal pay for all regardless of the work you do, be lazy and smoke weed. That pretty much sums up you questions. You’re not Conservative or Liberal. You’re in the wrong country. That’s what we call Communism. Perhaps you should visit Havana and consider residing there. They have your style of government there. I’m sure you’ll be much happier.
Tom Jr
21 May 2010
Many do believe in freedom. For example:
1) They believe in the right/freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (Even for babies)
2) People are hiring. Conservatives believe they should have the freedom from the tyranny of your over-inflated sense of self-worth. Just because you don’t want to accept a job you feel "beneath you," doesn’t mean others should foot your bills.
3) Conservatives believe in the separation of church and state. The state should not be able to dictate to the church what constitutes a marriage.
4) FDR signed the first anti-marijuana federal law. Conservatives were not in the White House in 1937.
5) Conservatives believe in the freedom to work. The tyranny of unions requiring membership as a condition of employment is the real problem. One you, apparently, advocate.
6) Conservatives believe in the freedom of their grandchildren from insurmountable debt.
7) JFK put Cuba off-limits.
21 May 2010
1.) Conservatives believe in Gene Science and Gene Science says that the genes of what is growing in her body is not a part of her but a part of something new.
2.)We have rights not freedoms. Because you would trounch on someone leses rights with this kind of thinking.
3.) There is no right of marriage????? Where do you find that? or right to adopt?
4.)I wonder about this one myself. (I have never smoked..)
5.)the democratic voice of the worker is best used with the voting booth and laws. If Union thugs are needed why have a government at all.
6,) We do provide healthcare for all. We just do npt have health insurance for all.
7.) That song was written by a Communist that did not like the song God Bless America. Read link below.
No we would sing God Bless America.
constitution rul
21 May 2010
You sound like a reasonable person but very angry at your own circumstances. Let me take your issues one at a time.
1) I think there are some who do believe what you say but it is legal for you to choose abortion. Some claim it to be immoral and that is a legitimate point of view, so Government should not pay with the public money for someones else’s choice that is offensive or against their religious beliefs. I hope you would agree.
2) In this you are asking people to support you with their money endlessly. While life may not be fair to you it also is unfair to take others money and labor from them and give it away. I would call that stealing. I hope you can see that side from their point of view.
3) I think you should have the right to make a contract with anyone. I believe the objection for most people is silly but it’s about calling it "marriage" which is for most of time been considered a contract between a man and a woman. I suggest the States just call it a civil union license and move on and avoid the conflict.
4) I would have no problem with that but you may have to convince Democrats as well as Republicans for that one.
5) I am not aware of all the states laws but I know of none that outlaw people wanting to form a union. Can you provide me of some information on a state that does?
6) Society does not provide health care for the "haves" and not the "have-nots" I know of no hospital that will send you away when you are ill. You are asserting that health care is a right, I can understand your feelings that but is it really a right?. You are not being prohibited from getting health care just like you are not being prohibited from getting a pair of shoes. You need shoes but you would not say you have a right to have someone else pay for your shoes would you?
7) Visit Cuba, yes the Government since Kennedy has had a restriction on general travel to Cuba but not an out right ban. Is it time to end it? Perhaps but that is not just a Conservative issue.
The people have created a government that protects all peoples right to do most anything they wish as long as it does not harm someone else, some of what you are asking the government to do is to break that compact and harm someone by forcing them to give up their right to their own property and labor. I will always fight for your freedom of opportunity, and your rights to equal justice under the law. Will you do the same for me?.
21 May 2010
First, I think that using the term "Conservative" for any Politician is inaccurate, In, fact most politicians choose the profession because they can find "un-conservative ways to line their pockets through less-than-honest business connections they can make and of course reap the benefits of the power they hold with high-dollar lobbysists. That being said, I’ll go on my rant now in answer to your thoughts;
1) We are supposed to be endowed with unalienable rights regardless of the topic. I believe the main reason Republicans fight this is for image only. It is their one "morale" value they claim to hold in hopes of securing votes from the Christian and Catolic communities. Their holier-than-thou rhetoric is simply a smoke screen. If there was a way to make money from supporting abortion, the Republicans would cave in a minute.
2) Again, the answer is money. I am in a similar situation right now and no where to turn. My personal belief is that the Republicans do not want a middle class any longer. The powers that be and have been in the last 20 years seem to have gone out of their way to create a country similar, if not identical to old England (the same England the Pilgrims left to start a better life). Think about this – if the economy is strong and jobs plentiful, how does Washington get enough volunteers to enlist in the military. (and we all know what a money making machine war is). Young people from high school or college would much rather work for a paycheck than get shot at for one. With no middle class, the wealthy and powerful breeze along and the lower class runs out of options.
3) Again, the Republicans choose the gay community as a target for their moral ammo. With all of the scietific proof that has been provided supporting the fact that being gay is a natural genetic condition, not some abomination from God, they refuse to let go, although the Republican reins have loosened in the last decade or so. (Mainly because the gay community now represents a much larger voting sector)
4) Simply put, taxes. Why taxes? Because there is no way for Uncle Sam to control the growth by individuals, therefor they cannot tax it. Tobacco kills thousands of people a year, but it’s OK because they can tax it. Even prohibition was repealed because it created a new tax revenue, however, you notice, that bootlegging is still illegal. So once Washington figures out a way to control the weed and more importantly, tax it, everyone will be allowed to fire one up.
5) I personally don’t feel unions are necessary and they are costly to the employees as well as the employers. The employees of one company I dealt with in Ohio ousted their union because of exhorbitant union dues with little representation. What they did instead was to contact an attorney that practiced labor law, negotiated a fee with him and the employees kept him on retainer. This also circumvents any anti-union laws no matter where you are. It worked out well for all concerned because frivolous grievances became a thing of the past. In any case, a company cannot break labor laws without repercussions and any company still maintains the right to implement employee rules as long as they stay within the criteria of labor laws.
6) Refer back to question #2. Congress continually votes themselves increase in salary and benefits, which is actually un-Constitutional. These are Republicans AND Democrats! By law they are not allowed to enact any laws that don’t apply to them or make concessions for themselves that don’t apply to everyone. But WE LET THEM DO IT. Why?…We are to lazy and apathetic. It’s easier to just throw our hands up and say "there’s nothing I can do"……..Vote these lawbreakers out in November. We have a chance to oust all of them and I believe it’s time we do it instead of whine about it.
7) I am not sure what you’re asking here, but I will say this; Our government KNOWINGLY lets known terror threats walk in and out of our country at will, then by God, we should be able to come and go as we please as well.
I don’t know if this answered any of your questions, but I feel much better now!
21 May 2010
1) For example, why don’t they believe in a woman’s right to choose what she does with her own body?
I agree.
2) Why don’t I have the freedom of unlimited duration of food and lodging if I can unfairly not find a job when I did my homework and have perfect qualifications, but nobody is hiring?
Freedom is the absence of anything hindering YOUR actions. Not the enslavement and coercion of others’ actions.
Should I have the freedom of you buying me a piano?
3) Why don’t I have the freedom to marry a man OR a woman and then adopt children in any part of America, not just blue states?
You should.
4) Why can’t I grow my own homegrown weed and smoke it in the privacy of my own backyard?
You should.
5) Why are my rights to unionize with my fellow workers NOT allowed in some of your Conservative US states, forcing managers to take advantage because they can lay anyone off they feel like without the democratic voice of the worker?
Freedom does not ‘force’ anyone to do anything. However you should be allowed to unionize.
6) Why am I not free to live in a society that provides healthcare for ALL citizens, not just the "haves".
Read #2.
7) And what’s the big deal if I want to visit Havana Cuba? Why does this make me a communist…with a Scarlet letter on my chest?
I thought this land was your land and my land from California to the New York Islands from the Redwood Forests to the Gulfstream waters….but Conservatives think this is only their land? I don’t understand.
No one claims this.
You are an anarchist. The rest of us believe society needs laws.