1) For example, why don’t they believe in a woman’s right to choose what she does with her own body?

2) Why don’t I have the freedom of unlimited duration of food and lodging if I can unfairly not find a job when I did my homework and have perfect qualifications, but nobody is hiring?

3) Why don’t I have the freedom to marry a man OR a woman and then adopt children in any part of America, not just blue states?

4) Why can’t I grow my own homegrown weed and smoke it in the privacy of my own backyard?

5) Why are my rights to unionize with my fellow workers NOT allowed in some of your Conservative US states, forcing managers to take advantage because they can lay anyone off they feel like without the democratic voice of the worker?

6) Why am I not free to live in a society that provides healthcare for ALL citizens, not just the "haves".

7) And what’s the big deal if I want to visit Havana Cuba? Why does this make me a communist…with a Scarlet letter on my chest?
I thought this land was your land and my land from California to the New York Islands from the Redwood Forests to the Gulfstream waters….but Conservatives think this is only their land? I don’t understand.

Conservatives would sing this song instead….
this property is your property,
this property is my property….
yours is 2 inches with no irrigation in a trailor park
mines 6 acres with 3-car garages and a golfcourse and guardhouse
And in between the 2
Is a paved road which is about the only we let Government pay for other than fight wars
This land was made potentially for you and potentially separately for me, and I’m winning because I have more money than you