What do these words have in common: cotton, dog, hard, iron, redwood, sandal?
The answer might be that if you add wood to the end it makes a word, but it doesn’t really work with redwood, because it already has wood at the end. I’m confused, please help me.
One Response
19 Apr 2010
I am totally with you on this. My obvious pick WOULD HAVE BEEN "when you add ‘wood’ to these words they form another word". But, as you’ve already mentioned, "wood" already appears at the end of redwood.
Is it possible the Questioner made a mistake and FORGOT to remove "wood" from redwood?
Another response : These words can all end in wood, and (equally important), the 1st letter of words 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 are one letter apart.
Thus, "c" and "d" ;
"h" and "i", and
"r" and "s".
Hope that helps. (And no borrowing from this response, my fellow answerers!)
Shalom out.