Is there a product I can use to speed up the drying of the stain I put on my porch a week ago? It is Behr’s Redwood Translucent Stain – first coat went on by brush, second coat went on with roller. Still sticky to touch, shoes make dirty imprints on newly stained area. How can I dry out the stain. We still have sunny days in the 70s or 80s. Technorati Tags: , , , ,

admin on 27 Aug 2010 | California Vacations | Comments (3)

What is the physiology (function) of a Sequoia Tree?

I need the information please — I’m at school doing a project!


And the guy sitting next to me needs to know the difference between a Sequoia and a Redwood

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When do I transplant my Sequoia Sempervirens outside?

I started a Coastal Redwood from seed. It is about 2 inches high. I live in PA, around Philadelphia–when can I plant it outside? How big should It be before I transplant it outdoors? Also, how fast will it grow? Like in ten years or so approximately how tall will it be? Thanks!

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What is a good price on a 10 year old swing set?

I am going to look at a Rainbow System, cedar and redwood swing set today for my children. It is 10 years old and the person who is selling it said they purchased it for 00 brand new. What is a reasonable price to pay if it is in good condition ?
I am surprised at the prices I am getting – I thought I would be offering much higher. Why wouldn’t it be worth anything ?
Don’t get me wrong, I am excited about the 0 or less offers !!

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What’re some interesting places around california to visit?

I’m planning a road trip summer of 2009.
What’s some places that would interests a buch of 18 and 17 year olds.
I’ve already decided
Monteray Bay/Pebble Beach, Redwood forest, Vegas, LA.
We’ll be starting from San Francisco.

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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Does the type of wood affect the amount? Can he chuck more oak than birch? What if he was chucking redwood? I need figures.

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how do I repair broken arm of a wood sculpture figure?

This is a redwood sculpture about 15 inches tall. The arm is 1/2 inch diameter, very delicate. I have used wood glue to repair it tentatively. How do I make it stronger?

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How many inches/ feet does a redwood tree grow a year?

I’m doing an algebra 2 problem and i’m using a tree growing linearly a year.

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Lake Tahoe?? Is it fun there?

I’m going on vacation to Lake Tahoe for a week. And I’m also going to Reno and the Redwoods. My dad said its going to be fun but does anyone know how much fun Lake Tahoe, Reno, and the Redwoods are. Should I be really excited because I’ve never been there? Also I live in New Jersey and the plane ride is about six hours so what are the chances of my plane crashing? And what are the chances that it doesn’t? I just want to know stuff about that.
But in Jersey i live in one of the nicest towns there. like i dont live in a gross part. not like the city.

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Good date ideas in OC?

I’m by the northern california coast on vacation and it just hit me that they have REALLY pretty coastal beaches that are PERFECT for dates. Are there any cute beach places in the OC? I live there but I always go to Huntington on dates and walk on the pier. Does Laguna Beach have cute areas on teh beach like the tidepools or anything? I kind of want to do something like walk along the beach or are there any rocky areas near beaches in OC? I forget cuz I only go to Huntington Beach hahah 😛

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