Honestly you probably don’t have to go nine hours to get good weed, just go to a big city or something. Now if its for an amazing price, not just saving 20 bucks on an ounce, that’s up to you. Also consider how much your going to get and if its pounds of weed, that’s a lot of weed to drive with for nine hours. If you getting an ounce that’s not much to go nine hours for. So my final answer is that it isn’t worth it.
Honestly you probably don’t have to go nine hours to get good weed, just go to a big city or something. Now if its for an amazing price, not just saving 20 bucks on an ounce, that’s up to you. Also consider how much your going to get and if its pounds of weed, that’s a lot of weed to drive with for nine hours. If you getting an ounce that’s not much to go nine hours for. So my final answer is that it isn’t worth it.