Going on vacation for 11 days. healthy restaurant eating choises?
I’m going to Northern California and will be eating out every day. What are some healthy eating choises I can have that wont be having the same food every day? And foods I should avoid? Also, sources would help me too. I am allergic to fish and shell fish too. Thanks a lot.
One Response
04 Feb 2010
You can one of two ways (or a combination of both). The first way is to stick to foods that are healthy and lower in calories such as grilled chicken, lean red meat, whole-grains, plain baked potatoes, and vegetables. Order without fancy sauces or ask for them on the side. Same with salads…get the lowest caloric dressing on the side and dip your fork into the dressing and then into the salad (you’d be surprised how much flavor you can get with a little amount).
The other way, and probably the more fun way, would be to eat what you want (since half the fun of visiting a new place is checking out the local cuisine) and splitting your meals with someone else (cheaper too) so that you’re only eating half, OR using a diet such as 5-4-3-2-1 (see web page below) which helps you eat small amounts of whatever food you choose.
Burn calories every day by being active or walk on the beach…
Have fun on your vacation…you can always be super strict when you come home.