I am planning a trip to celebrate my hubbys bday – he likes to surf & we had originally planned to visit N.Cal a few years back…then I got preggie – now we have have 2 little ones & want to take our first family vacation. Want to see Napa (for the scenery – not so much for wine tasting,etc), SF, & any hot surf spots in the area. we are into art, architecture, surfing & beautiful scenery..and fun. AND all this on a budget….can it be done?? I know we cant see it ALL…but a sampling will have to do for now. ANY suggestions are much appreciated – things we MUST see….cool local stuff…..cheap but nice places to stay…and should we stay centrally (SF?) and do daytrips? OR stay in SF for 2 days or so…then somewhere else?
Any ideas….thanks alot!!