Does the Hilton Garden Inn in Washington, DC have a view of the Washington Monument or White House?
I have reservations from the 13th thru 16th of Jan. 2009 for a non-smoking room (Kingsize bed) at:
Hilton Garden Inn Washington DC
815 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
Is there a recommended room or section to request with the best vew?
I will be going to DC to meet with the US Treasury Department to discuss financial literacy on the 14th and 15th and will leave the 16th.
I will return to DC on the 19th and will attend the Inauguration ceremony on the 20th as well as attend a breakfast at the Rayburn House (House of Rep) before this historical event.
I wanted a nice view from my hotel bedroom when I wake up in the morning and open the curtains.
3 Responses
01 Feb 2010
01 Feb 2010
You’re going to DC to look out your window????
You definitely won’t be able to see the White House from the hotel. You probably won’t be able to see the Washington Monument either since there will be other buildings in the way.
So go to DC and enjoy the sites and don’t worry about the view.
Future President
01 Feb 2010
You can see the White House clearly from the Hay-Adams Hotel, which is also where the Obamas have been staying recently.
A room facing south will have a view of the Washington Monument. However, you will not be able to see the White House from your hotel room. It’s near impossible to get a view of the White House from any hotel… other buildings obstruct the view.