Has a humboldt squid ever eaten a human?
If not, is it possible?
2 Responses
jim z
08 Jun 2011
Earth Man
08 Jun 2011
No human has ever been eaten by a squid, no matter what species.
Humboldt squid could theoretically take chunks out of a diver’s arm, yes. The most danger that anyone has been put in is that the large squid sometimes wrap their tentacles around a diver and take them deep, much deeper than they intended to go, and potentially to a lethal depth. No a "crush depth" but a depth beyond which the person may not be able to recover before suffering from compression effects (gases within the body).
But no one has been eaten by a squid.
Yes of course it is possible. The locals know too well that if you fall in the water, the Humbolt may very well grab you and drag you down and they would certainly eat you. There may not be documented evidence but I don’t know what the first answer would expect. They would take fist size chunks out of you until they were finished. There are documented attacks. In addition, there are very credible stories of the closely related giant squid pulling someone off a raft. It certainly was capable of eating the person or at least ripping off chunks so that most of him was eaten.