How do I adopt ducks in humboldt?
Does anyone know any place (in Humboldt) to adopt a duck? I have already looked at feed stores, animal shelters and pet stores and they don’t have any. I don’t know if there are any farms near by, but my mom wont help… at all! I want two adult ducks and cant find any. Please help if you know of any places.
2 Responses
30 Jan 2010
30 Jan 2010
Most places don’t really let you adopt ducks unless they were taken away from an abusive owner. Wildlife rehabilitators won’t let you adopt ducks because they ‘belong in the wild’.
If I were you, I would try to order them online, or wait ’til Easter and look in feed stores or pet stores.
Here’s a site where you could order some ducks. They have many different breeds:
Try posting on craigslist. You can also try contacting Wildcare in San Rafael (marin county) which is an animal rehab center. Sometimes they get animals too injured to be returned to the wild that need to find good homes.