Can grow a redwood tree in central Illinois?
I live by a lake with plenty of land and forest area and I was wondering if i can grow a redwood.
3 Responses
houseplant docto
24 Feb 2011
24 Feb 2011
You live in their zone so yes.
24 Feb 2011
I live in zone 7 and Redwood trees grow here if you plant them. There is half a dozen on the property across the road from me. They grow at the same rate as any other conifer like Douglas Fir. A couple of feet per year on the average.
You can try but it will take a few years before it will grow into anything substantial. If they grow anywhere besides in California, they would be all over the place. I do know of a person who tried in New England and it grew for a few years, but eventually died.
Anyway, no harm in trying. Good luck.