Why do people ask questions here when they could easily google the answer?
Really like they ask something like "what are the positions on the offensive line?" or something dumb like "how tall is a redwood tree?"
10 Responses
19 Feb 2011
Dustin A
19 Feb 2011
more convenient….
19 Feb 2011
Haha cause they’re to lazy? Lol
Ed Fox
19 Feb 2011
Absolutely no idea, but if you tell them, they will report you for "insulting" them – like little kids in kindergarten telling teacher about something that doesn’t really matter at all
19 Feb 2011
now I think u should’ve have googled that
Thomas Thomas
19 Feb 2011
the best ones are how much is a flight from here to there. Or who won the super bowl. and to answer your question, I think it is because they are idiots and can not do anything on their own.
Daren MacRae
19 Feb 2011
People think that by asking for the answer here, they will get a short and straight to the point answer. If you googles the answer you would usually need to look through a whole wikipedia page for the answer. But I do still think that Yahoo Answers should not be filled up with easy to find out questions like the ones you wrote in the description.
20 Year Old King
19 Feb 2011
i sometimes ak questions that i already know the answer to, cuz i want to see what other ppl think.
LaTeasah E
19 Feb 2011
Same reason why a person would waste 5 points asking a useless question.
19 Feb 2011
Because real people answer in real time, and it’s fun.
We don’t have friends; we want some kind of human contact