We have woodpeckers ruining our (I believe) redwood RAINBOW playset. What can be done to save it?
We have put steel wool into the already pecked holes. But what can be done to keep the woodpeckers away in the first place. I really can’t put a pesticide on it b/c that would be bad for anyone on it. Please help I’m at my wits end!!!!!!!
3 Responses
26 Jan 2011
sassy sue
26 Jan 2011
There are either insects in the playset or the woodpecker is marking his territory. You can try some birdscare tactics like hanging mylar strips, old cds or anything that moves and glitters. Some people swear by those fake owls but I have my doubts. If there are no insects chances are the woodpecker will leave on its own eventually.
26 Jan 2011
You might hang wind chimes or something that makes noise that might scare them.
Although possibly illegal, you may try shooting them with a pellet gun..