How would you grow Marijuana in a northern California Redwood Forest?
Completely Hypothetically speaking 😉 how would you grow a Cannibus plant in Northern California? in the Forest? would the plant be safe? how much are the seeds any and all knowledge would be welcome!
Also the hypothetical area would be completely clear of any people or herbivores, like completely safe from being found if it where to be grown. just one or two hypothetical plants
One Response
29 Dec 2010
They like a lot of sun. That isn’t really true of redwood forests but near them will grow pot. It isn’t safe at all. They have helicopters and planes looking for them and dangerous illegals in the area that probably wouldn’t like the company. You need good sandy soil and a lot of sunshine. The climate there is good for them but they might need more water depending on the location. The redwoods are in a kind of cold foggy belt near the shore and that might not be the best place particularly if the trees are shading them. You must live in the area. I was at Willow creek and a guy had his plant on the porch in plain sight. His house was near the parking lot near the bigfoot museum so I got the impression that he wasn’t the slightest bit worried about the cops or people seeing his plant. Those are your neighbors. I imagine there are many like that farther west on the coast. Hippies have seeds. That isn’t a problem. They also are would be a great source of invaluable info like potential pitfalls.