where to go to college? (CA)?
trying to figure my options out. im deciding between:
Humboldt State University
San Jose State
CSU Fresno
Mount St. Mary’s College
I really really love Humboldt because of the location (rural, surrounded by redwood forests). i love the community (there is some kind of fair going on every weekend whether it be apple harvesting or 4/20 celebrations). i also love that the student body is liberal and the town filled with hippies. BUT it does have the stoner reputation which im afraid will make future employers iffy about hiring me.
SJSU is my parents ideal choice for me because its only 50 minutes away and i could visit every weekend. BUT its REALLLY boring and san jose is not the best college town.
CSU Fresno is the largest one (over 25,000) and its a typical campus with football obsessed people. BUT i HATE Fresno because its boring with farms and climate that will give me a heat stroke.
MSMC is PRIVATE but its mostly ALL GIRLS except for people in the nursing major (mine). and its CHRISTIAN which will really piss me off because im a practicing Jew and my grandma said she would kill me if i went to a christian school. but its in LA which is a great city with a lot to do.
please give me your two cents. thanks 🙂
2 Responses
30 Jan 2010
30 Jan 2010
For what it’s worth, I’d say one option is to choose Humboldt because it appeals to you so much. If you do well at school, employers are more likely to notice that than assume you were a stoner. And you can always point out in interviews that you know the school has that reputation but that you weren’t a stoner and just wanted to be there for the same reasons you list above.
The other option is to keep looking and find another school, maybe one in LA or another coastal area (San Diego? Santa Barbara? San Francisco?), that offers the nursing major and doesn’t have a religious affiliation. I don’t think you are being too picky with your list of what you do and don’t want. I understand your parents’ choice, but do YOU want to go home every weekend? Probably not the most fun college experience.
If you are OK with a CS school, then go for San Diego State. Far from your parents, great climate and while it is in a big city, San Diego is a really great place.