Ok this might get a little confusing but please try. there is a young-ish girl & I’m pretty sure that she’s deaf & dumb but her "parents" hire i think a ex-detective type person 2 take her somewhere or something. on the way there they stop at a cabin, he’s an artist so he goes outside 2 paint a picture and somehow they end up n an alternate universe or something where they’re being chased by creatures & in the end i’m pretty sure but not 100% positive that the girl ends up being the queen or something. that was the first one. the second one i remember the cover of the book and just a very few details. the cover was yellow and had a big oak or redwood tree on it with a girl and a walking stick. and in the book there was a lake and it took place in a huge forest and had a lot of random creatures and…the only other thing i remember is that the book was about 1" thick. i don’t know. like i said it was vague but ANY ideas would be great. thanks i appreciate you trying.