Building a garage within a rotten garage, will this work?
Hello there. I have a garage on my property that has long been termite damaged and rotten. Original wood was redwood I believe.
Anyhow, I’m wondering how feasible it would be to build a sound structure within the rotten one. Essentially, a garage within a garage.
Any comments, suggestions?
To clarify, SOME of the wood is damaged, by water and termites. The old structure is still standing just fine, don’t think it’ll fall any time soon, but give it another 10 years and it probably will.
7 Responses
John M
16 Nov 2010
Happy Gramps
16 Nov 2010
It may be possible, but would be easier to just rebuild a new garage, using the old dimensions. You may need to get a bldg permit and be sure that all of the termites or other critters are gone before building a new structure
16 Nov 2010
It is possible to do this but putting a roof on would be a bit tricky unless your going to build upto the exsisting roof and tie into it, but yes it will work
16 Nov 2010
yes, do a side at a time. strip the siding & cut & scab studs to a built up bottom plate ( 4 x 4 , or 4 x 6 ) reside & treat ground for termites
16 Nov 2010
If your existing building is that bad tear it down and rebuild a new one using the old slab If pier and beam use same dimensions
16 Nov 2010
First thing is to treat the wood and the ground around it to eleminate the termites. Next be sure your roof is sound, making repairs as necessary. I am not sure your reason for wanting to build inside. If it is to avoid permits, your best bet is to "repair" not rebuild. If your structure is like mine with only an outside wall; think about this solution. Insulate if you wish, and put up an inside wall, then take down only as much of the outside as you can replace at one time. Replaceing one section at a time should keep you out of trouble. Prime and paint and you end up with a nice garage.
27 Dec 2015
If I stay in a place longer than 8 mhonts I get the itch BIG TIME. I’ve been in Jasper 10 mhonts now and I’ve been squirming for a little while already. I’ve promised the boyfriend (who is less of a wandering vagabond than me) that I’ll stick it out for one more year. I think by that time it will feel like I have chicken pox. But, then again, Jasper is beautiful and there are still lots of adventures to be had.On another note, I’ve never had an urge to visit the USA, but since I started reading blogs and looking at pictures of Oregon, I’ve decided I need to get my butt down there. Holy man does it look gorgeous.
What I have done, and would recommend if it fits your intentions, is to replace the rotted or eaten sections of the garage with new wood, while leaving the rest of the structure intact. This is pretty easy and generally avoids the whole fuss of getting building permits etc. since at any one time you are just replacing some bad boards. Of course you’ll need to kill the termites first, and solve any water problems that created the rot in the first place. But then, just do a series of repairs over time as money permits.