Poorest mall in California?
Eureka Ca is the poorest mall in california. slump econmy with more mall closures in a 5 year period. no envesters. stores stay empty for 5 years to 6 years at a time. Bayshore mall Eureka California located in northern california 272.21 miles from San francisco. Total Estimated Time: 4.0 hours 52 minutes. Eureka CA has got a population of 28,808. colleges located neer by ( Humboldt state university Arcata ) (college of redwoods Eureka ) the city will come back again when it ready. whats peoples opinion about slumping Econmy Eureka CA ?
2 Responses
29 Jan 2010
29 Jan 2010
I’m not sure! I know your right though! There’s no jobs here, it’s all pot growers! It’s surpriseing that they don’t keep the mall here going strong.
It used to be fishing, logging area, now the industry gone and a lot of hippies live there, people are not friendly, and isolate themselves.