I am going on a trip to california. I am wanting to go to the sequoia national park or redwood national park?
How far are these places from san francisco? Are both of these places parks? Are either one of these places parks? Which one is closer to San Francisco? Any way that you can help would be appreciated. Thanks.
thanks for the links but i would also like personal experience and information. such as if you have been to any of these places.
9 Responses
12 Sep 2010
Summer hiker
12 Sep 2010
The John Muir Woods National Monument just north of San Francisco is very beautiful. I’ve hiked there several times, and the redwoods are impressive.
Another option would be to go to the Mariposa Grove in the southern part of Yosemite National Park, which is a little closer than King’s Canyon and Sequoia National Parks. I’ve hiked in Mariposa Grove twice, and the redwoods there are also VERY impressive. They have some with funny shapes and names as well, like the Grizzley Giant, and the Bachelor and Three Graces. The benefit of going to see the redwoods here, is that you get to see Yosemite too!
Have fun 🙂
The Big Bean
12 Sep 2010
well sequoia is about an hour from where i live (im in tulare,ca in the central valley) redwood is closer to SF since it is northern cali
12 Sep 2010
I’ve spent quite a bit of time at both. Both are National Parks. I prefer Redwood in the winter and Sequioa in the summer although both are nice anytime. Redwoods are the tallest, Sequoias the largest. As mentioned, you can get a taste of the Redwoods at Muir Woods on the Marin side of the Golden Gate Bridge.
The primary difference between the two is that Redwood NP is coastal and Sequoia is in the Sierra. I prefer the mountains to the ocean although I love both. Because winter snow covers Sequoia for 1/2 the year, I go for Sequoia as Redwood is easily accessible year round.
Redwood NP is a day hikers park and Sequoia is good for dayhiking but incredible for backpacking and climbing.
16 Sep 2010
You might want to consider Humboldt Redwoods State Park.
It is four hours north of San Fran, but there is so much to see like the Dyerville giant in founders grove. (was tallest tree until it fell, now it’s the longest! ;->) Rockefeller forest is amazing with huge trees and clear creeks and the south fork of the Eel river. Miranda Gardens resort in the little “town of Miranda on the Avenue of the giants is our favorite place to stay. They have cabins in the redwoods that are cozy and super clean, reasonably priced too! Whatever you decide, have a blast!
13 May 2015
It’s posts like this that make surfing so much plreusae
14 May 2015
This is lovely. A quiet and rlnabimg conversation with some real gems that set me thinking very deeply. You know, Dave, you personify what Fiona mentioned the ability not to jump in and control a conversation or situation, but to let it unfold in its own time. That’s one reason why the Woodrat Podcasts are so outstanding.
It is around 6 hours from San Fran to Redwood National Park. Specifically Trees of Mystery which is so fun! It is a park where all of the trees are shaped (naturally) like something (Cathedral Tree, Candelabra Tree) and there are some massive trees there. It is a nice, easy walk and interesting. Plus you can take a gondola to the top of the mountain and see all of the trees. There is also an advanced hiking trail.
Nearby there are drive through trees which is cool. A house made of a tree trunk. There is the Redwood highway and it is beautiful.
I have never been to Sequoia National Park and I think is like 8 and 1/2 hours to that park from San Fran. These places are both parks.
My only warning from experience is that many of the roads are small and windy and dangerous and you need to be VERY CAREFUL when driving there.
If you just want to see huge Redwoods and you are in San Fran, Muir Woods is right there. It is also a national park and it is only 12 miles across the Golden Gate Bridge. It is a beautiful place.
Have fun!