What is the closest Redwood Forest to Napa Valley?
We are staying in Napa and have seen Muir Woods several times. We would like to find another Redwood Park that is just as beautiful as Muir. What is the closest in terms of distance and ease of access? We like to hike so trails are a must.
One Response
29 Aug 2010
Being a native Californian, Muir Woods is tops for a beautiful redwood forest. Nothing is closer either. But you can see more way up north in the avenue of the giants in Humboldt county which is near Eureka, California. But if you drive around the town of Napa into neighborhoods, you will see lots of redwoods right in peoples front yards. For a really cool hike, go to Calistoga, then up Mt.St.Helena to Robert Louis Stevenson State park. There you can hike up to the top of the mountain. On a clear day you can see much of the whole Bay area including San Francisco.