How much water is needed to water a Redwood tree a day each week?
The tree is maybe 45 feet tall. My mom hasnt watered it for at least 2 months. Help?
3 Responses
29 Jul 2010
29 Jul 2010
Redwood trees don’t need a lot of water at all, so chances are unless the tree has visible signs of wilting it’s ok. You should only water when the soil appears dry, thoroughly soak the tree roots. Since it’s in the ground and not in a planter straight from a nursery I wouldn’t water it more than twice a month to be honest just to prevent over watering.
27 Dec 2015
so beautiful! i love redwdoos it is hard to capture in photos or describe how overwhelmingly amazing and huge they are when standing below. my boys haven’t seen them yet some day!
Redwoods thrive in coastal climates where rain is usually plentiful. If you’re Redwood is 45 ft. tall then it should be getting ground water from someplace. A 45 foot tree shouldn’t have to be watered due to the expanse of the root system. If this tree were newly planted then I would say give it a deep soaking once a week, but this tree is 45 ft. tall, unless you are having a severe drought, which you wouldn’t be wasting water on a tree then stop worrying it will be just fine.